Noble Daughter | Chapter 15: The bowl is full

Chapter 15: The bowl is full

*Madam He- Old Madam Mu( He Shi’s Mother)

The Prayer Dance is a unique custom of the Great Xia Dynasty. On the first day of the lunar new year, the palace organises a dance ceremony to pray for a favorable year of good weather. Over time, this tradition evolved, and each year, the most outstanding female students showcase the “Prayer Dance” in the palace.

Wei Xuan, having recently joined the Women’s Academy, was selected to perform the “Prayer Dance” among hundreds of female students. This was quite rare, considering her senior classmates have practiced for several more years. However, it is precisely because of this that Wei Xuan appears exceptionally brilliant.

Wei Heng, not wanting to discuss Wei Xuan’s matters, simply smiled after hearing about it. He Shi, while exerting effort on the cotton, felt that her daughter lacks ambition. Her own competitive spirit has faded considerably. After all, Wei Heng has just returned home, and it’s the year-end. He Shi is afraid she would make her lose face in fron of her sister-in-law, so she doesn’t nag further.

The family had dinner affectionately

On the first day of the lunar new year, as customary, He Shi went to the palace to pay respects to Empress Mu. After the greetings, the emperor and empress held a feast in the imperial garden, celebrating with officials and the female students performing the “Prayer Dance.”

After this day, Wei Heng’s ears almost grew calluses hearing Wei Xuan’s name. Wei Xuan was famous before, but after all, there were still talented girls in the women’s academy who were suppressing her. But now she has emerged from the cocoon, shining brightly, and has the momentum to be the number one female student in the school.

Because of the “prayer dance” on New Year’s Day, Wei Xuan was even praised as a goddess, and people said that she was like a fairy descending to earth, with endless compliments.

On the other hand, the Eldest Madam, with Wei Fang turning fifteen this year, was busy looking for a son-in-law. Those who are eligible and willing to consider Wei Fang were not interested, but they were already eager to settle things with Wei Xuan. A family with a sought-after daughter is the greatest compliment for a girl.

However, perhaps it’s a rare opportunity; the madam only said that Wei Xuan is still young, and her sister’s marriage is not settled. They can only consider Wei Xuan’s marriage after she finishes her education.

Returning to the first day of the lunar new year, the elders of the family went to the palace. Wei Heng brought Mu Yuer and Nianzhu to Wei Fang’s House.

“elder sister, I couldn’t come at your come of age and hairpining ceremony.So I’ve come now with a gift to make up for it. You won’t blame me, will you?” Wei Heng smiled.

“How could I? It’s been only two years, and the third sister has grown into a young lady.” Wei Fang stood up, with needlework equipment by her side, indicating she was busy with embroidery. Although Wei Fang’s academic achievements were not prominent, her skills in needlework were exceptional, having inherited the true teachings of her master Ruan Xiuniang’s Shu embroidery, she was even better than Wei Xuan. However, being a illegitimate daughter was different, and Wei Fang had to remain modest due to her status as a concubine-born daughter. 

Wei Fang pulled Wei Heng to sit down. “It’s only been two years, and the third sister has become a young lady.”

The conversation continued, and Mu Yuer and Nianzhu had already brought in the gifts Wei Heng had brought from the south for Wei Fang.

“These are too precious.” Wei Fang said.

In fact, they weren’t overly extravagant, just some well-known southern fabrics, such as Hangzhou silk, Ning silk, and Songjiang triple-weave silk costing a hundred taels of silver per piece. It was a bit costly, but for Wei Heng, it was a drop in the ocean.

In the past two years, Wei Heng’s uncle went overseas to do business. Thanks to the blessing of predicting his previous life, Wei Heng naturally refused to let go of this opportunity to make a lot of money by changing hands. In the daughter’s family, a richer dowry would only have advantages and no disadvantages. In her previous life, Wei Heng’s mother-in-law could put up with her. This was partly because the expenses of Yongping Hou’s family were entirely supported by Wei Heng.

Wei Heng wrote a letter to He Shi, using persuasive words to obtain three thousand taels of silver. She didn’t feel embarrassed to ask Madame He  to contribute money for makeup. Since she was still young, the elders didn’t take it seriously and found it amusing.

However, Madame He was wealthy. With a single stroke, she gave Wei Heng eight thousand taels of silver. It was agreed that when Wei Heng got married, Madame He wouldn’t contribute to her dowry anymore. Of course, it was just a joke. Eight thousand taels of silver were just crumbs for Madame He.

With this ten thousand and one hundred taels of silver, Wei Heng added her private money of five hundred taels and invested it all in her little uncle’s business.

At that time, He Bin was surprised. It was his first time going to sea, and the risk was enormous. “Zhuzhu’er has such confidence in your little uncle?”

Wei Heng smiled. “If I don’t have confidence in my little uncle, who else can I trust?” 

Of course, He Bin didn’t let Wei Heng down. When he returned to Hangzhou a year later, he returned Wei Heng ten times the silver. At this point, Wei Heng became a wealthy woman. Afraid that a small girl like her might not be safe with so much silver, Madame He, with Wei Heng’s consent, decided to let her invest in He’s family business.

Later, when He Bin went overseas again, Wei Heng fully supported him. However, due to the limited capacity of the ship, Wei Heng only invested a hundred thousand taels of silver.

In these two years, Wei Heng earned more money than some people would see in several lifetimes.

Wei Fang looked at the silks and satins, as well as the inconspicuous but in fact very exquisitely crafted jewelry, and thought to herself, no wonder people say that the second aunt’s dowry is rich.

The two chatted for a while, and Wei Heng left.

Lu Ju by Wei Fang’s side asked in confusion, “Why did the third miss bring so many things to my miss?” Although Wei Fang and Wei Heng have always been close, they did not deserve such a generous gift. 

Wei Fang was also a bit puzzled, but she knew that these things might not be a big deal for Wei Heng. Moreover, Wei Heng had always been generous, the kind of person who would give three taels of silver when she had five.

Looking at the pile of gifts, Wei Fang sighed. This was fate; no matter how talented you were, you couldn’t compare to someone with good luck.

“Put it away; the third miss has always been generous,” Wei Fang said.

Wei Heng is indeed generous. She never attached much importance to money, as evidenced by her use of dowry to support her husband’s family in her past life. In this life, with more financial flexibility, she considered Wei Fang’s upcoming marriage negotiations. Knowing that the Eldest Madam would not treat her as her own daughter, Wei Heng sent a more substantial gift, which could barely be considered as “achieving balance for the world.”

By the afternoon, when Wei Heng returned, it could be said that she had basked in glory. Nianzhu’er, who returned after witnessing the excitement, whispered to Wei Heng, “Miss, even the Empress bestowed gifts upon the Second Miss. The Eldes Madam is overjoyed. They all say that the way Second Miss danced the Prayer Dance is like a celestial maiden dancing in front of the Empress.”

Wei Heng thought it was exaggerated. While Wei Xuan’s dance was indeed excellent, the praise seemed excessive. After all, Wei Heng had seen Wei Xuan’s dancing skills.

“Do the other girls who danced with the Second Sister receive gifts from the Empress?” Wei Heng asked.

“I heard Miss Mu Zhen also danced but did not receive a gift from the Empress,” Nianzhu’er replied.

In fact, all the girls danced equally well, so there was no reason to highlight Wei Xuan. The only reason was that Wei Xuan was leading the dance in this dance.

Although the Women’s Academy was a place for studying, it couldn’t escape worldly constraints. Every year, the lead dancer for the Prayer Dance came from a distinguished background, and there were likely many underhanded methods to secure that position. However, Wei Xuan’s election wasn’t surprising. With her own fame and being the niece of the Empress Mu and the legitimate daughter of the heir of Jingning Marquis, it was expected.

Wei Heng lazily leaned on the couch, feeling somewhat envious. She sarcastically said, “Now, the Old Madam must be delighted.”

Sure enough, the next day, Wei Heng accompanied He Shi to pay respects to the Old Madam. The Old Madam pulled Wei Xuan close, seemingly unwilling to let her go, and tidied her hair.

Seeing Wei Heng enter, Wei Xuan smiled and said, “Third sister, you’re finally back. The Spring Snow Society has had over twenty gatherings, and you haven’t attended any. If you don’t return, they might kick you out.”

Wei Heng walked over, sat beside the Old Madam, and said with a smile, “It must be second sister advocating for me that saved me.”

Wei Xuan replied, “We are all sisters; naturally, I have to speak up for you.”

The Old Madam embraced Wei Heng with one hand and tidied her hair with the other. “You, this heartless girl, gone for two years, don’t you know your parents miss you?”

Wei Heng held the Old Madam’s arm and said, “Of course, I know. I also know that Grandma must miss me.”

The Old Madam looked at Wei Heng’s increasingly beautiful and lively face and genuinely liked her.

On the fifth day of the lunar new year, it was the day for the Qi State Duke’s Mansion to entertain guests for the New Year. Wei Heng, dressed and ready, went to see He Shi. He Shi frowned at her, unable to point out any fault but feeling something was off.

“What’s wrong, Mother?” Wei Heng asked.

He Shi looked at the few precious accessories on Wei Heng’s hair and said, “Why wear such expensive pearl hairpins at such a young age? Aren’t you afraid people will talk about you?”

Wei Heng touched the hairpin on her head and said, “This is already the simplest. If you don’t believe me, I’ll ask Mu Yu’er to open her jewelry box for you.”

He Shi sighed, “These two years, you’ve really been spoiled by your grandmother, uncles, and aunts.”

Wei Heng laughed and said, “There’s no way around it. Used to good things, I can’t appreciate anything else. Mother, spare me.” In the south, where luxury was prevalent, dressing slightly less would be embarrassing in that social circle.

He Shi looked at Wei Heng, sighed, and said, “A bit too beautiful, this girl…”

Wei Heng, anticipating He Shi’s usual lecture, quickly interjected, “Mother, please don’t lecture me again. If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for giving birth to such a beautiful daughter like me.”

He Shi was amused by Wei Heng’s words and pinched her cheek. “You know how to talk.”

In the end, Wei Heng still left without changing her attire. After all, she had already tried her best to dress more simply.

Madam He- Old Madam Mu( He Shi’s Mother)

The Prayer Dance is a unique custom of the Great Xia Dynasty. On the first day of the lunar new year, the palace organises a dance ceremony to pray for a favorable year of good weather. Over time, this tradition evolved, and each year, the most outstanding female students showcase the “Prayer Dance” in the palace.

Wei Xuan, having recently joined the Women’s Academy, was selected to perform the “Prayer Dance” among hundreds of female students. This was quite rare, considering her senior classmates have practiced for several more years. However, it is precisely because of this that Wei Xuan appears exceptionally brilliant.

Wei Heng, not wanting to discuss Wei Xuan’s matters, simply smiled after hearing about it. He Shi, while exerting effort on the cotton, felt that her daughter lacks ambition. Her own competitive spirit has faded considerably. After all, Wei Heng has just returned home, and it’s the year-end. He Shi is afraid she would make her lose face in fron of her sister-in-law, so she doesn’t nag further.

The family had dinner affectionately

On the first day of the lunar new year, as customary, He Shi went to the palace to pay respects to Empress Mu. After the greetings, the emperor and empress held a feast in the imperial garden, celebrating with officials and the female students performing the “Prayer Dance.”

After this day, Wei Heng’s ears almost grew calluses hearing Wei Xuan’s name. Wei Xuan was famous before, but after all, there were still talented girls in the women’s academy who were suppressing her. But now she has emerged from the cocoon, shining brightly, and has the momentum to be the number one female student in the school.

Because of the “prayer dance” on New Year’s Day, Wei Xuan was even praised as a goddess, and people said that she was like a fairy descending to earth, with endless compliments.

On the other hand, the Eldest Madam, with Wei Fang turning fifteen this year, was busy looking for a son-in-law. Those who are eligible and willing to consider Wei Fang were not interested, but they were already eager to settle things with Wei Xuan. A family with a sought-after daughter is the greatest compliment for a girl.

However, perhaps it’s a rare opportunity; the madam only said that Wei Xuan is still young, and her sister’s marriage is not settled. They can only consider Wei Xuan’s marriage after she finishes her education.

Returning to the first day of the lunar new year, the elders of the family went to the palace. Wei Heng brought Mu Yuer and Nianzhu to Wei Fang’s House.

“elder sister, I couldn’t come at your come of age and hairpining ceremony.So I’ve come now with a gift to make up for it. You won’t blame me, will you?” Wei Heng smiled.

“How could I? It’s been only two years, and the third sister has grown into a young lady.” Wei Fang stood up, with needlework equipment by her side, indicating she was busy with embroidery. Although Wei Fang’s academic achievements were not prominent, her skills in needlework were exceptional, having inherited the true teachings of her master Ruan Xiuniang’s Shu embroidery, she was even better than Wei Xuan. However, being a illegitimate daughter was different, and Wei Fang had to remain modest due to her status as a concubine-born daughter. 

Wei Fang pulled Wei Heng to sit down. “It’s only been two years, and the third sister has become a young lady.”

The conversation continued, and Mu Yuer and Nianzhu had already brought in the gifts Wei Heng had brought from the south for Wei Fang.

“These are too precious.” Wei Fang said.

In fact, they weren’t overly extravagant, just some well-known southern fabrics, such as Hangzhou silk, Ning silk, and Songjiang triple-weave silk costing a hundred taels of silver per piece. It was a bit costly, but for Wei Heng, it was a drop in the ocean.

In the past two years, Wei Heng’s uncle went overseas to do business. Thanks to the blessing of predicting his previous life, Wei Heng naturally refused to let go of this opportunity to make a lot of money by changing hands. In the daughter’s family, a richer dowry would only have advantages and no disadvantages. In her previous life, Wei Heng’s mother-in-law could put up with her. This was partly because the expenses of Yongping Hou’s family were entirely supported by Wei Heng.

Wei Heng wrote a letter to He Shi, using persuasive words to obtain three thousand taels of silver. She didn’t feel embarrassed to ask Madame He  to contribute money for makeup. Since she was still young, the elders didn’t take it seriously and found it amusing.

However, Madame He was wealthy. With a single stroke, she gave Wei Heng eight thousand taels of silver. It was agreed that when Wei Heng got married, Madame He wouldn’t contribute to her dowry anymore. Of course, it was just a joke. Eight thousand taels of silver were just crumbs for Madame He.

With this ten thousand and one hundred taels of silver, Wei Heng added her private money of five hundred taels and invested it all in her little uncle’s business.

At that time, He Bin was surprised. It was his first time going to sea, and the risk was enormous. “Zhuzhu’er has such confidence in your little uncle?”

Wei Heng smiled. “If I don’t have confidence in my little uncle, who else can I trust?” 

Of course, He Bin didn’t let Wei Heng down. When he returned to Hangzhou a year later, he returned Wei Heng ten times the silver. At this point, Wei Heng became a wealthy woman. Afraid that a small girl like her might not be safe with so much silver, Madame He, with Wei Heng’s consent, decided to let her invest in He’s family business.

Later, when He Bin went overseas again, Wei Heng fully supported him. However, due to the limited capacity of the ship, Wei Heng only invested a hundred thousand taels of silver.

In these two years, Wei Heng earned more money than some people would see in several lifetimes.

Wei Fang looked at the silks and satins, as well as the inconspicuous but in fact very exquisitely crafted jewelry, and thought to herself, no wonder people say that the second aunt’s dowry is rich.

The two chatted for a while, and Wei Heng left.

Lu Ju by Wei Fang’s side asked in confusion, “Why did the third miss bring so many things to my miss?” Although Wei Fang and Wei Heng have always been close, they did not deserve such a generous gift. 

Wei Fang was also a bit puzzled, but she knew that these things might not be a big deal for Wei Heng. Moreover, Wei Heng had always been generous, the kind of person who would give three taels of silver when she had five.

Looking at the pile of gifts, Wei Fang sighed. This was fate; no matter how talented you were, you couldn’t compare to someone with good luck.

“Put it away; the third miss has always been generous,” Wei Fang said.

Wei Heng is indeed generous. She never attached much importance to money, as evidenced by her use of dowry to support her husband’s family in her past life. In this life, with more financial flexibility, she considered Wei Fang’s upcoming marriage negotiations. Knowing that the Eldest Madam would not treat her as her own daughter, Wei Heng sent a more substantial gift, which could barely be considered as “achieving balance for the world.”

By the afternoon, when Wei Heng returned, it could be said that she had basked in glory. Nianzhu’er, who returned after witnessing the excitement, whispered to Wei Heng, “Miss, even the Empress bestowed gifts upon the Second Miss. The Eldes Madam is overjoyed. They all say that the way Second Miss danced the Prayer Dance is like a celestial maiden dancing in front of the Empress.”

Wei Heng thought it was exaggerated. While Wei Xuan’s dance was indeed excellent, the praise seemed excessive. After all, Wei Heng had seen Wei Xuan’s dancing skills.

“Do the other girls who danced with the Second Sister receive gifts from the Empress?” Wei Heng asked.

“I heard Miss Mu Zhen also danced but did not receive a gift from the Empress,” Nianzhu’er replied.

In fact, all the girls danced equally well, so there was no reason to highlight Wei Xuan. The only reason was that Wei Xuan was leading the dance in this dance.

Although the Women’s Academy was a place for studying, it couldn’t escape worldly constraints. Every year, the lead dancer for the Prayer Dance came from a distinguished background, and there were likely many underhanded methods to secure that position. However, Wei Xuan’s election wasn’t surprising. With her own fame and being the niece of the Empress Mu and the legitimate daughter of the heir of Jingning Marquis, it was expected.

Wei Heng lazily leaned on the couch, feeling somewhat envious. She sarcastically said, “Now, the Old Madam must be delighted.”

Sure enough, the next day, Wei Heng accompanied He Shi to pay respects to the Old Madam. The Old Madam pulled Wei Xuan close, seemingly unwilling to let her go, and tidied her hair.

Seeing Wei Heng enter, Wei Xuan smiled and said, “Third sister, you’re finally back. The Spring Snow Society has had over twenty gatherings, and you haven’t attended any. If you don’t return, they might kick you out.”

Wei Heng walked over, sat beside the Old Madam, and said with a smile, “It must be second sister advocating for me that saved me.”

Wei Xuan replied, “We are all sisters; naturally, I have to speak up for you.”

The Old Madam embraced Wei Heng with one hand and tidied her hair with the other. “You, this heartless girl, gone for two years, don’t you know your parents miss you?”

Wei Heng held the Old Madam’s arm and said, “Of course, I know. I also know that Grandma must miss me.”

The Old Madam looked at Wei Heng’s increasingly beautiful and lively face and genuinely liked her.

On the fifth day of the lunar new year, it was the day for the Qi State Duke’s Mansion to entertain guests for the New Year. Wei Heng, dressed and ready, went to see He Shi. He Shi frowned at her, unable to point out any fault but feeling something was off.

“What’s wrong, Mother?” Wei Heng asked.

He Shi looked at the few precious accessories on Wei Heng’s hair and said, “Why wear such expensive pearl hairpins at such a young age? Aren’t you afraid people will talk about you?”

Wei Heng touched the hairpin on her head and said, “This is already the simplest. If you don’t believe me, I’ll ask Mu Yu’er to open her jewelry box for you.”

He Shi sighed, “These two years, you’ve really been spoiled by your grandmother, uncles, and aunts.”

Wei Heng laughed and said, “There’s no way around it. Used to good things, I can’t appreciate anything else. Mother, spare me.” In the south, where luxury was prevalent, dressing slightly less would be embarrassing in that social circle.

He Shi looked at Wei Heng, sighed, and said, “A bit too beautiful, this girl…”

Wei Heng, anticipating He Shi’s usual lecture, quickly interjected, “Mother, please don’t lecture me again. If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for giving birth to such a beautiful daughter like me.”

He Shi was amused by Wei Heng’s words and pinched her cheek. “You know how to talk.”

In the end, Wei Heng still left without changing her attire. After all, she had already tried her best to dress more simply.

Madam He- Old Madam Mu( He Shi’s Mother)

The Prayer Dance is a unique custom of the Great Xia Dynasty. On the first day of the lunar new year, the palace organises a dance ceremony to pray for a favorable year of good weather. Over time, this tradition evolved, and each year, the most outstanding female students showcase the “Prayer Dance” in the palace.

Wei Xuan, having recently joined the Women’s Academy, was selected to perform the “Prayer Dance” among hundreds of female students. This was quite rare, considering her senior classmates have practiced for several more years. However, it is precisely because of this that Wei Xuan appears exceptionally brilliant.

Wei Heng, not wanting to discuss Wei Xuan’s matters, simply smiled after hearing about it. He Shi, while exerting effort on the cotton, felt that her daughter lacks ambition. Her own competitive spirit has faded considerably. After all, Wei Heng has just returned home, and it’s the year-end. He Shi is afraid she would make her lose face in fron of her sister-in-law, so she doesn’t nag further.

The family had dinner affectionately

On the first day of the lunar new year, as customary, He Shi went to the palace to pay respects to Empress Mu. After the greetings, the emperor and empress held a feast in the imperial garden, celebrating with officials and the female students performing the “Prayer Dance.”

After this day, Wei Heng’s ears almost grew calluses hearing Wei Xuan’s name. Wei Xuan was famous before, but after all, there were still talented girls in the women’s academy who were suppressing her. But now she has emerged from the cocoon, shining brightly, and has the momentum to be the number one female student in the school.

Because of the “prayer dance” on New Year’s Day, Wei Xuan was even praised as a goddess, and people said that she was like a fairy descending to earth, with endless compliments.

On the other hand, the Eldest Madam, with Wei Fang turning fifteen this year, was busy looking for a son-in-law. Those who are eligible and willing to consider Wei Fang were not interested, but they were already eager to settle things with Wei Xuan. A family with a sought-after daughter is the greatest compliment for a girl.

However, perhaps it’s a rare opportunity; the madam only said that Wei Xuan is still young, and her sister’s marriage is not settled. They can only consider Wei Xuan’s marriage after she finishes her education.

Returning to the first day of the lunar new year, the elders of the family went to the palace. Wei Heng brought Mu Yuer and Nianzhu to Wei Fang’s House.

“elder sister, I couldn’t come at your come of age and hairpining ceremony.So I’ve come now with a gift to make up for it. You won’t blame me, will you?” Wei Heng smiled.

“How could I? It’s been only two years, and the third sister has grown into a young lady.” Wei Fang stood up, with needlework equipment by her side, indicating she was busy with embroidery. Although Wei Fang’s academic achievements were not prominent, her skills in needlework were exceptional, having inherited the true teachings of her master Ruan Xiuniang’s Shu embroidery, she was even better than Wei Xuan. However, being a illegitimate daughter was different, and Wei Fang had to remain modest due to her status as a concubine-born daughter. 

Wei Fang pulled Wei Heng to sit down. “It’s only been two years, and the third sister has become a young lady.”

The conversation continued, and Mu Yuer and Nianzhu had already brought in the gifts Wei Heng had brought from the south for Wei Fang.

“These are too precious.” Wei Fang said.

In fact, they weren’t overly extravagant, just some well-known southern fabrics, such as Hangzhou silk, Ning silk, and Songjiang triple-weave silk costing a hundred taels of silver per piece. It was a bit costly, but for Wei Heng, it was a drop in the ocean.

In the past two years, Wei Heng’s uncle went overseas to do business. Thanks to the blessing of predicting his previous life, Wei Heng naturally refused to let go of this opportunity to make a lot of money by changing hands. In the daughter’s family, a richer dowry would only have advantages and no disadvantages. In her previous life, Wei Heng’s mother-in-law could put up with her. This was partly because the expenses of Yongping Hou’s family were entirely supported by Wei Heng.

Wei Heng wrote a letter to He Shi, using persuasive words to obtain three thousand taels of silver. She didn’t feel embarrassed to ask Madame He  to contribute money for makeup. Since she was still young, the elders didn’t take it seriously and found it amusing.

However, Madame He was wealthy. With a single stroke, she gave Wei Heng eight thousand taels of silver. It was agreed that when Wei Heng got married, Madame He wouldn’t contribute to her dowry anymore. Of course, it was just a joke. Eight thousand taels of silver were just crumbs for Madame He.

With this ten thousand and one hundred taels of silver, Wei Heng added her private money of five hundred taels and invested it all in her little uncle’s business.

At that time, He Bin was surprised. It was his first time going to sea, and the risk was enormous. “Zhuzhu’er has such confidence in your little uncle?”

Wei Heng smiled. “If I don’t have confidence in my little uncle, who else can I trust?” 

Of course, He Bin didn’t let Wei Heng down. When he returned to Hangzhou a year later, he returned Wei Heng ten times the silver. At this point, Wei Heng became a wealthy woman. Afraid that a small girl like her might not be safe with so much silver, Madame He, with Wei Heng’s consent, decided to let her invest in He’s family business.

Later, when He Bin went overseas again, Wei Heng fully supported him. However, due to the limited capacity of the ship, Wei Heng only invested a hundred thousand taels of silver.

In these two years, Wei Heng earned more money than some people would see in several lifetimes.

Wei Fang looked at the silks and satins, as well as the inconspicuous but in fact very exquisitely crafted jewelry, and thought to herself, no wonder people say that the second aunt’s dowry is rich.

The two chatted for a while, and Wei Heng left.

Lu Ju by Wei Fang’s side asked in confusion, “Why did the third miss bring so many things to my miss?” Although Wei Fang and Wei Heng have always been close, they did not deserve such a generous gift. 

Wei Fang was also a bit puzzled, but she knew that these things might not be a big deal for Wei Heng. Moreover, Wei Heng had always been generous, the kind of person who would give three taels of silver when she had five.

Looking at the pile of gifts, Wei Fang sighed. This was fate; no matter how talented you were, you couldn’t compare to someone with good luck.

“Put it away; the third miss has always been generous,” Wei Fang said.

Wei Heng is indeed generous. She never attached much importance to money, as evidenced by her use of dowry to support her husband’s family in her past life. In this life, with more financial flexibility, she considered Wei Fang’s upcoming marriage negotiations. Knowing that the Eldest Madam would not treat her as her own daughter, Wei Heng sent a more substantial gift, which could barely be considered as “achieving balance for the world.”

By the afternoon, when Wei Heng returned, it could be said that she had basked in glory. Nianzhu’er, who returned after witnessing the excitement, whispered to Wei Heng, “Miss, even the Empress bestowed gifts upon the Second Miss. The Eldes Madam is overjoyed. They all say that the way Second Miss danced the Prayer Dance is like a celestial maiden dancing in front of the Empress.”

Wei Heng thought it was exaggerated. While Wei Xuan’s dance was indeed excellent, the praise seemed excessive. After all, Wei Heng had seen Wei Xuan’s dancing skills.

“Do the other girls who danced with the Second Sister receive gifts from the Empress?” Wei Heng asked.

“I heard Miss Mu Zhen also danced but did not receive a gift from the Empress,” Nianzhu’er replied.

In fact, all the girls danced equally well, so there was no reason to highlight Wei Xuan. The only reason was that Wei Xuan was leading the dance in this dance.

Although the Women’s Academy was a place for studying, it couldn’t escape worldly constraints. Every year, the lead dancer for the Prayer Dance came from a distinguished background, and there were likely many underhanded methods to secure that position. However, Wei Xuan’s election wasn’t surprising. With her own fame and being the niece of the Empress Mu and the legitimate daughter of the heir of Jingning Marquis, it was expected.

Wei Heng lazily leaned on the couch, feeling somewhat envious. She sarcastically said, “Now, the Old Madam must be delighted.”

Sure enough, the next day, Wei Heng accompanied He Shi to pay respects to the Old Madam. The Old Madam pulled Wei Xuan close, seemingly unwilling to let her go, and tidied her hair.

Seeing Wei Heng enter, Wei Xuan smiled and said, “Third sister, you’re finally back. The Spring Snow Society has had over twenty gatherings, and you haven’t attended any. If you don’t return, they might kick you out.”

Wei Heng walked over, sat beside the Old Madam, and said with a smile, “It must be second sister advocating for me that saved me.”

Wei Xuan replied, “We are all sisters; naturally, I have to speak up for you.”

The Old Madam embraced Wei Heng with one hand and tidied her hair with the other. “You, this heartless girl, gone for two years, don’t you know your parents miss you?”

Wei Heng held the Old Madam’s arm and said, “Of course, I know. I also know that Grandma must miss me.”

The Old Madam looked at Wei Heng’s increasingly beautiful and lively face and genuinely liked her.

On the fifth day of the lunar new year, it was the day for the Qi State Duke’s Mansion to entertain guests for the New Year. Wei Heng, dressed and ready, went to see He Shi. He Shi frowned at her, unable to point out any fault but feeling something was off.

“What’s wrong, Mother?” Wei Heng asked.

He Shi looked at the few precious accessories on Wei Heng’s hair and said, “Why wear such expensive pearl hairpins at such a young age? Aren’t you afraid people will talk about you?”

Wei Heng touched the hairpin on her head and said, “This is already the simplest. If you don’t believe me, I’ll ask Mu Yu’er to open her jewelry box for you.”

He Shi sighed, “These two years, you’ve really been spoiled by your grandmother, uncles, and aunts.”

Wei Heng laughed and said, “There’s no way around it. Used to good things, I can’t appreciate anything else. Mother, spare me.” In the south, where luxury was prevalent, dressing slightly less would be embarrassing in that social circle.

He Shi looked at Wei Heng, sighed, and said, “A bit too beautiful, this girl…”

Wei Heng, anticipating He Shi’s usual lecture, quickly interjected, “Mother, please don’t lecture me again. If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for giving birth to such a beautiful daughter like me.”

He Shi was amused by Wei Heng’s words and pinched her cheek. “You know how to talk.”

In the end, Wei Heng still left without changing her attire. After all, she had already tried her best to dress more simply.

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  • 9 December 2023